"You are what your record says you are." Bill Parcells
At Horse Cove Partners, we believe that it is possible to realize positive returns through a disciplined focus on the risk of each trade, with a weekly investment horizon, and accepting intelligent losses when risk events occur. Approximately 45% of the assets we manage are our family and personal money and we treat all our clients like family. We believe our results speak for themselves and invite comparisons to your current investment returns.
Results Since The Inception of trading
December 31, 2024
Disclaimers. All results are as of the end of the month indicated. Prior performance shows results achieved during past market periods and is not indicative of future results, which will depend, among other things, on future market conditions. No representation is being made that the strategies will or are likely to achieve returns similar to those shown. Prior results are shown net of trading expenses, fees, and expenses including a 1% per year management fee assessed daily. Results do not reflect withdrawals or income taxes that might be payable, the effects of which could significantly reduce cumulative returns. Past performance is no indication of future results. The strategies may lose value. These results were generated using Interactive Brokers Portfolio Analyst tools, which allow IB customers to generate reports concerning the customer's account using the trade and account data contained in Interactive Broker's systems and market data provided by third parties. These results are for information purposes only. These results are provided AS IS and Interactive Brokers LLC and/or Horse Cove Partners LLC make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to this report and its contents. The data provided is believed to be accurate, however, the completeness of the information is not guaranteed and neither Horse Cove Partners, its Principals, Employees, nor Interactive Brokers LLC has no liability with respect thereto. This material herein is intended only as a reference and should not be relied upon for the maintenance of your books and records for tax, accounting, financial, or regulatory reporting or for any other disclosure purposes. These results are not an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security. Horse Cove Partners LLC does not solicit orders and does not provide proprietary research, recommendations, or advice.